If you haven’t been to San Sebastian yet, we bet it’s on your radar. And you aren’t alone: the number of visitors to this city in northern Spain is increasing all the time. Overtourism in San Sebastian? “San Sebastian has many beautiful neighborhoods but tourism concentrates mostly in its Old Town,” said Ania, our Operations […]
responsible travel
Bullfighting in Madrid & Beyond: What You Need to Know

It may seem like attending a bullfight is one of most authentically “Spanish” experiences you can have. After all, it’s a spectacle that has been historically linked to Spain for hundreds of years. And starting in the 20th century, when literary icons from Ernest Hemingway to Federico García Lorca began depicting it in their works, […]
How to Be a Good Tourist: Seville Edition

Don’t miss the rest of our responsible tourism guides:MADRID | BARCELONA | SAN SEBASTIAN | LISBON | ROME | PARIS Some say it’s the colorful, winding streets; others, the friendliness of the people. And let’s not forget the unrivaled tapas scene! There are hundreds of reasons to fall in love with Seville. But as many […]
How to Be a Good Tourist: Practicing Responsible Travel in Madrid

In the rush of preparing for an upcoming trip, we often overlook a small step that can significantly enhance our travel experience. That step? Embracing responsible travel. Engaging in responsible travel in Madrid—and any city that you visit—involves making choices that have a positive impact on the local community and contribute to preserving the city’s […]
How to Be a Good Tourist: San Sebastian Edition

Traveling has never been as easy as it is now, which means that now it’s more important than ever to be a responsible traveler. After all, don’t we all want to make cities better for those who live in and visit them? San Sebastian is located in the Basque Country, or Euskal Herria in Basque. […]