Italy is a country where things like pasta and pizza can seem like crucial components of the national identity, so you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s maybe not the ideal destination for gluten-free travelers. Luckily, that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth! And that’s particularly true if your itinerary includes places where pizza and […]
gluten free
Gluten Free in Naples: Traditional Cuisine that’s all Flavor and Zero Gluten

Even though carb-heavy Italian cuisine might be intimidating to someone who doesn’t eat gluten, there’s a surprisingly good number of choices of gluten-free food in Naples. From pizza to pastries, you can enjoy all the great food Naples has to offer without compromising your food intolerance. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when […]
Best Gluten-Free Restaurants in NYC

New York is the city where you can please any dietary restrictions in the world. For celiacs and those who just feel like cutting gluten out of their lives, many restaurants and bakeries embrace the gluten-free diet. Here you can find some of the best gluten-free restaurants in NYC, serving unique and delicious foods that […]
6 Gluten-Free Bakeries in Paris That Are Going to Change Your Life

This blog post was originally posted on August 26, 2019 and was updated on September 23, 2020. In recent years, Parisian bakeries have truly mastered the art of gluten-free baking. That means that even if you’re gluten-intolerant, you can still have all the delicious French bread, pastries and cakes to satisfy your sweet tooth! Head […]
3 Gluten-Free Croissants in Paris So Good You Won’t Believe It

You don’t need gluten in your diet to enjoy some of the best baked goods Paris has to offer. Parisian bakeries excel in gluten-free baking. You’ll have no trouble getting hold of gluten-free versions of any French pastry you can dream of, except for one: the croissant. Making this quintessential French viennoiserie without gluten is […]
The Ultimate Guide to Eating Gluten Free in Rome

With pizza, pasta and bread around every corner, you might think that eating gluten free in Rome is impossible—but you’d be wrong! Although traditional Italian cuisine is largely wheat-based, there are many naturally gluten-free ways to eat in Italy. For example, secondo dishes (main courses) usually consist of meat or fish cooked simply. But what […]
Best Gelato in Rome: 7 Sweet Spots to Try

Gelato is practically a food group in the Roman diet. You’re going to see this frozen Italian treat for sale in every neighborhood and near every famous monument. We recommend seeking out the good stuff, so we created this handy list of where to find the best gelato in Rome.
Guide to Eating with Allergies in Barcelona

Trying to communicate food allergies in a different culture can be intimidating. We all want to enjoy local food when we travel, and cosmopolitan Barcelona features plenty of options for people with varying dietary needs. However, attempting to communicate your allergies to restaurant staff—and knowing what you can and can’t eat—can be challenging at best, […]
Eating Gluten Free in Madrid: The Best Bars, Restaurants and Stores

This blog post was originally posted on March 18, 2014 and was updated on August 12, 2018. When it comes to eating gluten free in Madrid, the city’s restaurants, bars, and supermarkets are already ahead of the curve. The Madrid Association of Celiacs and Gluten Sensitive People has been certifying the city’s restaurants as celiac-friendly since the […]
Eating Gluten Free in Seville: The Ultimate Guide

This blog post was originally posted on May 27, 2015, and was updated on July 31, 2018. We might be in the land of ‘tostada,’ but eating gluten free in Seville doesn’t have to be difficult! When people think of Spanish food, they’re often reminded of bread and flour—especially in Seville, a city known for its wonderful […]