This blog post was originally posted on December 2, 2014 and was updated on January 10, 2018. While Barcelona is a well-connected city that is used to receiving international visitors, part of the beauty of traveling here is that things are never quite the same as in your home country. Whether it’s places to see, […]
Everything You Need to Know about Catalan

This blog post was originally posted on August 20, 2014, and was updated on November 15, 2017. Planning on brushing up on your Spanish before arriving in Barcelona? If you really want to impress the locals, why not learn a few Catalan phrases? So you’re visiting Barcelona and you’re brushing up on your 8th grade […]
Traditional Foods in Barcelona: Botifarra, Escalivada, Fideuà, & More

You can enjoy truly authentic foods that you may not find anywhere else in the country no matter where you are. Traditional foods in Barcelona include fideuà, paella’s noodle cousin and crema catalana, the ancestor of creme brulée. This list could go on for days! However, here is a brief introduction to some of the […]
Top Travel Tips for Barcelona

This blog post was originally posted on May 4, 2016 and was updated on August 20, 2017. Traveling to a new city is an eye-opening experience. Start your trip off smoothly armed with these top travel tips for Barcelona! With these travel tips for Barcelona you can ensure that you will skip the lines, eat […]