Tinned fish isn’t only a delicacy in Portugal. It’s also a traditional way of life that’s adapting to the times. Whenever friends visit us in Portugal, we suggest canned fish as the perfect souvenir to take back to their family and friends. Not only is it completely delicious (way better than canned tuna at home) […]
canned fish
A Love Letter to Conservas: How Lisbon’s Canned Fish Captured My Heart

This post is part of our Love Letter series: first-person accounts of what we love about Lisbon. At first glance, the words “canned fish” may not exactly make your mouth water. But one of Lisbon’s most delectable secrets is its stinky, salty, shelf-stable seafood. This is the story of how conservas captured my curiosity—and my […]
Behind the Bite: Sardines

The oily, spiny fish are a surprise favorite of the Portuguese throughout the year—but never more so than in June. Portuguese seafood is ridiculously good. It’s no wonder that Lisboetas love everything that comes from the ocean. And Portugal is still a place where people eat seasonally, so there’s a respect for the rhythms of […]