You don’t have to be a fan of ancient history to fall in love with Rome. The food, wine, people, and romantic atmosphere are sure to capture your heart no matter what. But of course, if you were looking for a museum to pass the afternoon in, where should you go? The Vatican and the […]
art museums
Complete Guide to the Rome Capitoline Museums (With Hidden Gems)

One of the first places you’ll stumble upon when you visit Rome is most likely the Piazza Campidoglio. Michelangelo designed this round piazza, which is marked by the looming statues of Castor and Pollux. Here you’ll find Rome’s famous town hall, but also two palazzi that make up the Rome Capitoline Museums. It is referred […]
An Art Historian’s Guide to the Best Art Museums in Rome

It could take a lifetime to visit all of the art museums in Rome. In fact, the Italian capital has hundreds of museums, from those owned by the State, those managed by the city, those still belonging to noble families of Rome, and then of course the Vatican. The art you can admire in Rome […]
Uffizi Gallery Guide and Self-Led Tour

Would a trip to Florence really be complete without a stop at the Uffizi Museum? Probably not! This is one of the most visited museums in Europe, known for the great works of art it houses. But if you head there unprepared, it might feel a little overwhelming. Luckily, we’ve put together an Uffizi Gallery […]
5 Free Museums in Madrid You Should Check Out

Not much can top an afternoon spent in one of Madrid’s many museums—except when that afternoon comes free! That’s right, Spain’s capital city is home to some of the most revered history and art museums in the world, and several of them also offer free entry for guests. So if you love the Prado but […]
A Love Letter to the Prado: How I Fell in Love with Spain’s Greatest Museum

This post is part of our Love Letter series: first-person accounts of what we love about Madrid. Long before I ever dreamed of living in Madrid, the Prado held a special place in my heart. Studying at university, it was the Spanish master Velazquez who opened my eyes to the possibilities of art. I still clearly remember […]